Labor Code

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Last Updated: May 2024

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The California Labor Code is far from clear as to which of its provisions apply to local government agencies, such as cities, counties, special districts, community colleges and school districts. The problem becomes more difficult as the Legislature adds new laws that fail to specify whether they apply only to private employers, public employers, or both. For example, while local agencies are not required to comply with most state wage and hour laws, the state minimum wage now applies to all local agencies. This workbook coversĀ theĀ Labor Code sections frequently cited by employees, or employee associations and unions to stress the concepts which public agencies deal with on a regular basis.

Topics Include:

  • Assignment of Claims to Labor Commissioner and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
  • Workersā€™ Compensation Anti-Discrimination Statute
  • Labor Code Sections Regarding Payment of Wages That DO NOT Apply to Public Agencies
  • Labor Code Sections Regarding Payment of Wages That DO Apply to Public Agencies
  • Jury or Witness Duty, Judicial Proceedings and Legal or Remedial Actions by Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Victims
  • Time Off for Emergency Duties as Voluntary Firefighter, Reserve Police Officer or Emergency Rescue Personnel
  • Victim of Certain Crimes; Right to Time Off
  • Time Off for Required School Appearances or to Participate in School or Day Care Activities
  • Costs of Physical Examination; Disclosure of Wages and Working Conditions
  • Use of Sick Leave
  • Copies of Employment Documents
  • Polygraphs, Disclosure of Arrests and Employee Recordings, Consideration of Salary History Information
  • Coercion of Purchases
  • Sections Regarding Hours of Work That DO NOT Apply to Public Agencies
  • Social Media
  • Unfair Immigration ā€“ Related Practices
  • Consumer Credit Reports
  • Lactation Accommodation
  • Reemployment Privileges
  • Political Activities and Affiliations
  • Whistleblower Statute
  • State Minimum Wage
  • State Minimum Wage Exceptions
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work
  • Access to Personnel Files
  • Posting of Information
  • Employment of Minors
  • Relocations, Terminations, and Mass Layoffs
  • Public Works and Public Agencies
  • Meal Periods for Municipal Employees
  • Private Attorney General Act of 2004
  • The Contract of Employment
  • Independent Contractors
  • Indemnification of Employees
  • Coverage for Medical, Surgical or Hospital Benefits
  • At-Will Employees
  • Deductions for Tardiness; Garnishment of Wages
  • Safety in Employment

This document is provided as a benefit to Liebert Library subscribers and cannot be shared outside of their organization. The information contained within is a template only and is not designed to address the specific and unique issues, internal rules, practices, and/or governing documents that might be in place at your organization. You should always consult with legal counsel prior to implementation of any documents.

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